Sunday, October 19, 2008

GhOuLs NiGhT OuT

My sis-in-law Trisha had a Halloween Party Saturday Night just for the girls. It was so fun. Everybody's costumes were so cute and we had so much yummy food that I got sick to my stomach. After the party a few of us crazy ones went to Applebees in our costumes, but it was too busy so we ended up at Wingers. We got some pretty crazy looks from people. But it was so fun to just be wild and crazy with no kids! This is me with my sis-in-laws, Wendy(tired nursing mother), Me(witch), Raelyn(vampire Bella), Jana(Devil), Trisha(punk rock fairy)
Me and Trisha - Aren't we cute!

I'm thinkin' I look more like a vampire than a witch, Next party I'll have to add some vamp teeth.


Julie said...

Love the pictures. Ghouls night rocks. Halloween should come quarterly. I had a ton of fun, and you look awesome in the pictures.

K Lind said...

You are one hot momma whether you are a witch or a vampire! :o)

Cindy said...

Sounds like allot of fun!!! And your costumes are fantastic!! Next year I'll have to kidnap Lori and we'll crash Trish's party!

The Briscoe Bunch said...

Lacey you looked so hot! It's a wonder that Jeremy even let you out the door thanks for all the memories that was a blast!

Burrups said...

Looks like so much fun! What a great idea and you look awesome!

Jana said...

you witch you! cute pics. I'm glad we braved the public after and went for drinks. 2 fun!!!

Anonymous said...

You look Awesome. Love the costume. Looks like you all had a great time. I am totally with Cindy on crashin the party idea HAHAHA!

Heather said...

You look awesome Lacie, I about died laughing when I saw the "tired nursing mother" costume! That was great!

Brooke said...

Girl parties are the best! Love all the costumes, especially the 'tired nursing mother.' That is hilarious.

Cami said...

Nice costumes!!!! The nursing mom is great!!!